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Fig. 6 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 6

From: Oroxin A alleviates early brain injury after subarachnoid hemorrhage by regulating ferroptosis and neuroinflammation

Fig. 6

OA as a neuroprotection involving the transcriptional regulator Nrf2. A: FerrDb V2 (accessible at suggests the relationship between ferroptosis and Nrf2. B: An illustrative diagram of the proposed model elucidating the mechanisms of Nrf2-mediated regulation of ferroptosis in EBI following SAH. C: Prediction of GPX4 promoter using the NCBI database (accessible at and JASPAR database (accessible at D: RT-qPCR results reveal that OA elevates the expression of Nrf2 mRNA in the in vitro SAH model (n = 5). E: Western blot data unveil that OA increases the expression of Nrf2 protein in in vitro SAH (n = 3). F: si-Nrf2 partially prevented the OA-induced increase in GSH in in vitro SAH (n = 5). G: Knockdown of Nrf2 partially prevented the OA-induced increase in cell viability in in vitro SAH (n = 5). H: Representative views of Dead/Live staining show that OA alleviates cell death after SAH but that this effect was reversed after Nrf2 knockdown. Scale bar = 100 μm

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