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Fig. 7 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 7

From: Inflammatory, synaptic, motor, and behavioral alterations induced by gestational sepsis on the offspring at different stages of life

Fig. 7

Cognitive impairment of young (P30) and adult (P60) offspring from mice subjected to gestational sepsis. a–d Morris water maze test. a, b The amount of time spent by young (a) and adult (b) offspring to climb the hidden platform along 4 days of experiment was measured. Each point is the mean +/− SEM from 9 to 12 animals. c, d Evaluated the time on the hidden platform quadrant of young (c) and adult (d) offspring. Each bar is the mean +/− SEM from 9 to 12 animals. e, f Aversive memory was evaluated in the fear conditioning test at young e) and adult (f) ages evaluating the time spent in freezing position. Each group of saline or sepsis administration is represented by a square or triangle, and the mean +/− SEM from 9 to 12 animals are indicated by lines. *p < 0.05 compared saline to sepsis. NS not significant

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