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Table 2 Stimulation procedures and outcomes for astrocyte monocultures

From: Human iPSC-derived glia models for the study of neuroinflammation


Stimulus concentration

Stimulus time


Measure of inflammation



10 ng/mL

24 h


Increased IL8, IL1B, IFNG, TNF, IL2, IL4, IL6, IL10


Cytometric bead array

Increased IL-8, IL-1β, IFN-γ, TNF, IL-2, IL-4, IL-6, IL-10


48 h

Cytometric bead array

Increased IL-8


5 days

Bulk RNA sequencing

Increased IL6, C3, CXCL10, CXCL11 amongst others



Increased GFAP intensity


Multiplex bead-based immunoassays

Increased GM-CSF, IL-1β


30 ng/mL

7 days

Western Blot

Increased NF-κB phosphorylation


50 ng/mL

1.5 h


Increased NF-κB nuclear translocation


5 h

Flow cytometry

Increased IL-8 and IL-6


24 h

Cytometric bead array

Increased IL-8


48 h

Cytometric bead array

Increased IL-8


48 h


Increased CCL5, CXCL8


7 days

Western blot

No change in GFAP expression



Increased IL-6


100 ng/mL

7 days

Bulk RNA sequencing

Increased IL8, C3, CXCL10 and CXCL11 amongst others


Western Blot

Increased NF-κB phosphorylation



10 ng/mL

5 h

Bulk RNA sequencing

Enrichment for inflammation-related GO terms


5 h

Flow cytometry

Increased IL-6 and IL-8


24 h

Cytometric bead array

Increased IL-8


48 h

Cytometric bead array

Increased IL-8


48 h


Increased CCL5, CXCL8


5 days

Multiplex bead-based immunoassays

Increased IL-6, GM-CSF, TNF, IL-23, IFN-β, IFN-α


7 days

Western Blot

Increased GFAP expression



Increased IL-6


100 ng/mL

7 days

Bulk RNA sequencing

Increased IL8, C3, CXCL10 and CXCL11 amongst others


Western Blot

No change in NF-κB phosphorylation


TNF and IL-1β

10 ng/mL TNF and 10 ng/mL IL-1β

1 h


Decreased GFAP


Western blot

Decreased GFAP



Increased NF-κB nuclear translocation


5 days

Multiplex bead-based immunoassays

Increased GM-CSF, TNF, IL-1α, IL-6, IL-10, IL-12, IL-23, IFN-β, IFN-α


7 days


Increased CCL5, CXCL8, C3, LCN2



Increased IL-6


24 h

Multiplex bead-based immunoassays

Increased C3a, MCP-3, I-TAC, GRO-a, sICAM-1, GM-CSF, IL-1RA, MIG, RANTES, IL-6, MCP-2, MIP-1a


IL-1α, TNF, and C1q

3 ng/mL IL-1α, 30 ng/mL TNF, and 400 ng/mL C1q

24 h

Multiplex bead-based immunoassays

Increased C3a, MCP-3, I-TAC, GRO-a, sICAM-1, GM-CSF, MIG, RANTES, IL-6, MCP-2, MIP-1a


Western blot

No change in GFAP



Increased TNF and IL-1β, decreased GFAP


Whole proteome analysis

Enrichment of GO-terms related to immune responses, cytokine-associated signalling, and recruitment of peripheral immune cells following treatment


Amyloid-beta fibrils


0.2 µM

24 h

Cytokine array

Measured 36 human chemokines and cytokines, no change detected


α-Synuclein fibrils (αSYN-F)

0.5 µM

24 h

Cytokine array

Measured 36 human chemokines and cytokines, no change detected
