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Fig. 1 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 1

From: β-adrenergic signaling triggers enteric glial reactivity and acute enteric gliosis during surgery

Fig. 1

Enteric glia react to mechanical stimuli and transition into an acute gliosis state. A Schematic description of the surgical procedure (intestinal manipulation, IM) with follow-up RiboTag approach in Sox10iCreERT2/Rpl22HA/+ enteric glia and immunohistological image of HA (green) and SOX10 (magenta) co-expression in ME. Scale bar (100 µm). The RiboTag procedure was performed 3 h, 24 h, or 72 h after surgery. B Confocal images of SOX10 (magenta) and Ki67 (green) expression in whole mounts of small bowel ME at different time points. Scale bar (100 µm). C Histological analysis (mean ± SEM) of SOX10+ and SOX10Ki67+ cells per field of view (n = 6–14 animals per time point; mean counts of 5 images per n ± SEM; two-way ANOVA, to naive *** < 0.01, between IM24/IM72h ### < 0.01). D Principal component analysis (PCA) of a bulk RNA-Seq of Sox10iCreERT2/Rpl22HA/+ RiboTag mRNA at different time points. E Volcano plot for actively transcribed genes at IM3h in Sox10iCreERT2/Rpl22HA/+enteric glia with significantly differentially transcribed genes (p-value < 0.05, >  ± twofold) marked in red (upregulated) and blue (downregulated) and annotation of notable genes. F Venn diagrams of the top 50 induced genes at IM3h, IM24h, and IM72h separated into clusters. G Analysis of enriched GO-terms in mRNA from Sox10iCreERT2/Rpl22HA/+enteric glia for POI hallmarks related to migration and inflammatory response. H RNA-Seq heat maps for naïve and IM3h samples of Sox10iCreERT2/Rpl22HA/+RiboTag mRNA and total RNA “acute enteric gliosis” induction and an indication of genes related to key POI hallmarks. (n = 3–4 animals per time point)

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