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Fig. 5 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 5

From: Long-term impact of maternal obesity on the gliovascular unit and ephrin signaling in the hippocampus of adult offspring

Fig. 5

Effects of maternal obesity on the microglia morphology and density in the hippocampus of offspring: a significant bigger size of microglia soma (A); and increased density of microglia (B) were observed in the offspring of obese dams. *p < 0.05; example image of 3D reconstructed microglia in the CA1.SR subregion of hippocampus in offspring. Reconstructed microglia have different branch lengths from its starting points. Blue color indicates the shortest branches, and red color is an indicator of the longest microglia branches, scale bar = 10 μm (C); microglia morphology analysis indicated no significant difference in the number of microglia branches (D), length of microglia branches (E); and in complexity of arborization of microglia branches (F) (n = 6/group)

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