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Fig. 6 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 6

From: Immunoregulatory and neutrophil-like monocyte subsets with distinct single-cell transcriptomic signatures emerge following brain injury

Fig. 6

scRNAseq analysis displays altered monocyte clustering for blood monocytes isolated from Cl-LPM and control mice at 1 dpi. A Monocytes from control and Cl-LPM treated mice are clustered based on RNA gene expression in a Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (UMAP) plot. B Heatmap distinguishing each of the 11 clusters between samples. C UMAP following custom cell annotation and the percentage of cell types in each sample (D). E, F UMAP of control and Cl-LPM, respectively. G Heatmaps of top 10 up DEG’s DGE (Y axis) per cluster (X axis) for control and Cl-LPM samples showing distinctive gene expression profiles. H Dot plot of top genes expressed by annotated cell types. I Feature maps highlighting spatial expression across clusters of Cx3cr1, Na4a1, Pou2f2, Ccr2, Ly6c, Fn1 in control and Cl-LPM cells

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