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Table 2 Summary of donor information from cohorts used in drug studies

From: Advanced patient-specific microglia cell models for pre-clinical studies in Alzheimer’s disease

Study cohorts used in drug studies

Healthy control (HC)

Alzheimer’s disease (AD)

N° of participants

n = 5

n = 8

Sex of participants

Females (%)

60% (3/5)

75% (6/8)

Males (%)

40% (2/5)

25% (2/8)

Age of participants (mean ± SD)

69.4 ± 2.5

68.5 ± 6.4

APOE genotype

E3/E3 (%)

20% (1/5)

0% (0/8)

E3/E4 (%)

60% (3/5)

75% (6/8)

E4/E4 (%)

20% (1/5)

25% (2/8)