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Fig. 3 | Journal of Neuroinflammation

Fig. 3

From: Single-cell RNA sequencing reveals peripheral blood leukocyte responses to spinal cord injury in mice with humanised immune systems

Fig. 3

Comparison of immune cell type and states in the blood of humanised naïve, sham and SCI mice. A UMAP plots showing all cells present within naïve (left), sham (middle) and SCI (right) scRNAseq blood samples at 7 days post-surgery. B Metacell networks showing the clustering and/or colocalisation of all cells present within the naïve, sham and SCI scRNAseq blood samples (see also Additional file 1: Fig. S5). C Proportion of each cluster out of all cells present for each condition. D and E Number of differentially expressed genes (DEGs) up- (D) or down- (E) regulated between conditions. Overlap indicates genes that were regulated in the same direction between conditions. F Gene ontology (GO) terms that were differentially regulated between sham v naïve, SCI v naïve, or SCI v sham conditions. For GO plot, red colour represents –log10(adjusted p-value) for upregulated genes/terms, and blue colour the log10(adjusted p-value) for downregulated genes/terms; dot size represents ratio of genes contributing to the GO term

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